Body-fat it seems like everybody I know is trying to lose it has tried to lose

it or has lost it and unfortunately found it again well if you're one of the

dudes out there attempting to slim down to get your fine ass even finer well

this BLOG is for you today I'm going over ten solid fat loss tips to help you

lose what shred body fat and stick to a freakin diet alright

so if you're looking for somebody to blow smoke up your cute little butt go

talk to your mother it's not me there are so many guys I get so frustrated when I

get the emails that are so delusional about weight loss and their program

they're like alpha what's  it's the diet is the tough part because

the exercise you do it for an hour you're done you like well I feel good by God

I'm pumped but diet is something you've got to pay attention to 24 hours

a day seven days a week if you don't well your results are going to suffer

see if this sounds familiar you start the diet you're strong you're pumped you're

prepared you're like I can't wait to get on this I'm gonna do it this time and

you start and you start strong right first-week boom you jump on the scale

sweet I lost five pounds oh you're pumped you're ready you're

psyched for the next week and you continue but eventually after about a

a week and a half you jump on that scale and it either doesn't move or it

goes up this throws you into a total emotional tailspin this is totally

discouraging and there's nothing like seeing the actual scale move to perpetuate your diet and keep you

focused and sometimes when you get on there and you see that it's not exactly progressing the way that

 you think it should or it's going backwards

 this is enough to be like whatever totally discouraging and gets you off track well today I'd like to offer

10 tips to help keep you focused and keep you on that diet and weight loss

track tip number one prior 

planning prevents poor dieting you need to have a plan you can't wing a diet you can't wake up on 

Tuesday get it's a lunch I'm

done you know I think I'm gonna start a diet today and sorry you're doomed

there's no chance of your success or your succeeding in actually

it structured alright and then you got to stick to the

structured plan bringing us the 

tip number two of preparation you need to

prepare your meals ahead of time all right a lot of times what happens when

you're hungry you lose your willpower you lose your mind it's like

I'm so hungry Taco Bell and you pull in you're like I'll just have a chicken

quesadilla it's got chicken right and before 

you're eating meat all right you're grilling a ton of meat

making your vegetables making salads buy Tupperware containers or plastic baggies

and portion out your meals so that you always have something ready and a meal planned and prepped 

ready to eat the

 tip number three get rid of the crappy food

in your house, if it's not their chances are you're not chance like you're not

gonna eat it if it's not in your home in your closet you see you hiding

stuff in your refrigerator in your pantry you're not going to eat it I know

for me, if it's there right I'll just be like casually browsing or grazing as I

do I'll just grab a handful of M&Ms whatever there's just a handful and a

handful turns into six and before you know it I've eaten a bag of MMS in the

next two days right if it's not there you won't cheat

 tip number four is limit the amount that you eat out now

 I know a lot  argue that you can absolutely

successfully diet by going out to eat no problem here's the issue

is that you think you're healthy but if you're not aware of the food preparation

the process you don't realize how much extra salt and fat is going into

cooking you're playing chicken breast you're playing broccoli there's butter

there's fat there are preservatives all right eating out is tough like we said when

you're hungry you make poor  even open the menu you know so you're not


tip number five to be consistent with your water intake water,

 I'm from

Philadelphia water intake all right you need to drink minimum I would say

minimum two to three liters a day all right this does not mean diet coke

this does not mean sweet tea this does not mean caramel macchiatos this means

plain old h2o you want to flavor it with a little lemon fine Crystal Light

everybody's like we're about Crystal The light I don't care what you do you just

need to make sure you're drinking enough 

tip number six don't live and die by the the number on the scale and

 this is something that I see and I saw when I

owned a fitness center is that so many people when they get on the scale it can

make or break their day all right you are going to have fluctuations it's

gonna go up it's gonna go down it's gonna spike a little and go back down

the fact is  stick to two to three times a week over the the course of the month

you will see a reduction in 

tip number seven don't think of  Something or we're not able to have you want it more right well with

the diet you need to understand that this isn't a short-term 

diet hard and then they go off in and when they go off if

they go back up the deal is you need to think of this more as a lifestyle change

it's changing your habits you do it long enough they'll change

 tip number eight don't focus exclusively on the calories you're consuming 

focus on the quality of

calories you're consuming healthy foods are less calorically dense than non

healthy foods all right focus on eating foods that are higher in quality as

opposed to the quantity that you're consuming

number nine is to give yourself the freedom 

and  don't want to string too many

days in a row where you're actually having cheat meals or else you're kind

of not even dieting all right but I would say indulge yourself once or twice

a week now indulge doesn't mean go nuts and go freak in crazy because that's what

people do go like I dyed it all week and then I'm going nuts and then 10,000

calories right are smart at

 tip number 10 if you fall off the weight-loss horse

pick yourself up dust yourself off getting back on and ride look here's the deal we

are going it's hard because you know you might have told people you know

you're all gung-ho when you first started and you're telling everybody

like I'm gonna do it this time everybody it's like a great job and then you screw

up and you're embarrassed or ashamed listen, screw everybody, 

time to get those feet right in the stirrups get a good 4 good position on

the saddle grab the reins and ride that puppy into the sunset you've got this

there's no excuse you can do it you just need to give yourself the permission to

succeed now I'm going to give you a little fat loss bonus tip tells you about

a supplement that's on the market that I've known for years that I use

when I'm trying to diet and curb my sugar cravings and just get

my appetite is under control it's something called Garcinia cambogia

now there's a lot of buzz about it in the news you're seeing a lot of Facebook

ads like Zach Galifianakis and LeBron James going from like heavier it's a

thinner and they're like whoa what is this person doing it's some crazy secret

it's not some crazy fancy miracle drug or pill or potion it's a naturally

an occurring substance that is found in the skin of fruit found over in Asia the

the active ingredient is something called HCA or hydroxy citric acid I use when

I'm dieting because it helps you like my blood sugar controls my

cravings and just makes dieting easier I'm not as hungry when I take it and

that for me is huge right I am a big eater and I crave like sir I crave bread

I don't have a sweet tooth but I crave the carbohydrates and the salty

stuff and the garcinia like it gets it under control and it makes me

not hate dieting quite as much and it just makes it a little bit easier it

works for me it works and I love it and it's a great product to try if you're

somebody who struggles with losing fat and is looking for a little kick in the

fat loss rear-end the issue is that there's a lot of there are a lot of

different products on the market and the the supplement industry isn't quite

regulated by the FDA the way a lot of other products are and so you really

need to be careful with what you buy I go through a company called Vita Goods

to get mine you can get like three of these bottles it's like a month's supply

for 2995 or something like that I've been using this stuff for a while and

the quality is solid I've tried some others and it's been crap this best bang

for your garcinia buck,  for me it works it helps and sometimes taking the

edge off is all it takes losing body fat if it was easy everybody would do it and

everybody would be lean and mean unfortunately, it's just not that easy it

takes preparation it takes planning it takes execution hopefully these 10

tips give you a few tools that you can use in your weight loss now get

your ass is back in the saddle because it is time to ride oh yeah


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